How to Create a Text File Using Karen's Directory Printer


QUESTION: I have a wireless media PC that is on our home network. The PC is located in our family room connected to our TV. Using CinemaPremiere Online I want to add all the movies on my media PC to my CinemaPremiere database from my upstairs PC. I also want to be able to watch the movies located on my media PC from any computer in my house. How can I do that?


ANSWER: I have found a free program that will allow you to create a text file of all your movies on your media PC. Once you have the text file created, you would log in to your CinemaPremiere movie manager and go to Add > Import Txt.

  1. From you upstairs PC download and install Karen's Directory Printer program. Please install it to 'C:\Program Files\Karen's Power Tools\Directory Printer' which it will default to. This way, if you are running the movie manager through the CP Browser, you will be able to start Karen's Directory Printer from the Add > Imprt Txt screen.
  2. Start the program and select the 'Save to Disk' tab.
  3. Uner Save Options, select 'File info only' and 'Search Sub-Folders' if you have movies in sub folders.
  4. Under File Info, select only 'Full Name.'
  5. Under File Filter, press 'Edit' to add your movie file extension(s) to search for.
  6. Select your new file filter from the File Filter list.
  7. Select Show Network and navigate to your media PC movie folder. (Your movie folder must be shared)
  8. Select 'Save to Disk' and save your text file.
  9. Open the text file in Notepad or any text editor.
  10. In your movie manager, in Add > Import Txt, browse to your text file and press Go to import the movie information for each of your movies in your text file.
  11. Once your movies have been added, you can play your movies from any PC on your home network provided: